I am a licensed professional counselor and re-connective healing practitioner with over 27 years experience in the mental health field. I am the type of therapist that is willing to be both vulnerable and open, speaking directly and honestly. My extensive work with adolescents and adults has taught me the importance of being genuine and down-to-earth, and thus, I work best with clients who prefer a straightforward approach.

Rather than viewing others as sick or broken, I see all people as powerful, magnificent beings, who have the ability to create their lives in any way they choose. Most of my work is focused on helping the client to: a) learn to accept and love him/herself, and b) change false and negative interpretations.

In addition to having strong clinical skills as a psychotherapist, my recent training in re-connective healing has greatly added to my repertoire. This form of energy work is extremely powerful, often producing profound healing on all levels in just a few sessions